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VoomPC car PC enclosure
The voomPC(TM) automotive (car, boat, electric cart) enclosure is a small, rugged car PC (carputer) enclosure designed to work in harsh enviroments such as dust and high temperatures. Made our of massive 5.5mm extruded aluminum profile, the voomPC(TM) car PC (carputer) encloure was designed to work with any type of mini-ITX motherboard (170x170mm) from fanless configurations such as VIA mini-ITX or Pentium or low power Pentium-M processors, making it the ideal car PC solution. This car PC / carputer enclosure is specifically designed to work with the M1-ATX car PC automotive power supply series, sold separately, scroll below for more information.
Your ideal under the seat or trunk car computer
The VoomPC car PC (carputer) enclosure can take one 2.5" hardrive.
Dimensions : 263mm x 215mm x 75mm
Installation Tutorial : Support / Manuals
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Customer ratings:

Average rating, based on 1 ratings
Durch die Materialdicke von 5,5mm ist das Gehäuse extrem robust. Die Zuleitung vom bereits vorinstallierten 40mm Lüfter ist lang genug um diese vor dem zusammenbau problemlos mit dem Mainboard zu verbinden. Wird die Festplatte direkt am vorhandenen Lüfter montiert ist ein kurzes Datenkabel (max ca 20cm) erforderlich, da es mit dem Netzteil direkt über der Festplatte sonst verdammt eng wird.